Passionate, Patient, Persistent, and Pet-lover are just a few of the characteristics shown at JR dog training. Voted #1 for Dog Training in Montreal and all surrounding areas by you as the best dog training service. With over 40 years of experience, we know that each animal is different, and our master dog trainer will work with you to give them the specific guidance they need. We specialize in K9 training, obedience, basic and advanced dog training.
Montreal Dog Training Classes
Our Classes for Dog Training in Montreal and all surrounding areas involve an intimate understanding of your animal’s natural and individual history. Your pet has plenty of potential to learn and understand commands, and the techniques taught by our Master Dog Trainer will lay the foundation for you to build upon. He will work with you to combine your needs and wants with that of your pet.
Behaviour Consulting
If your K9 animal needs help with obedience or with a specific physical or behavioural issue, Behaviour Consulting with JR Dog training in Montreal and all surrounding areas may be a great option for you. We can help you with personalized plans to fit your pet's needs and your lifestyle.
Montreal Dog Training and All Surrounding Areas: Our Methods
Our Dog Trainer will provide you with a training style that does not involve any abusive methods like the shock collar or spiked collars, which will make your pet reach their full potential out of hard work and not of punishment.
Learning and understanding commands and the techniques taught by our Master Dog Trainer are Pet Safe and trusted by the satisfied clients we have helped teach over the 40 years of experience.
Dog Training in Montreal and All Surrounding Areas:
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Are there different scenarios when it might be better to adopt an older dog vs a puppy?
Some people don't want to put up with the "puppyhood," destructive chewing, howling, and disruption of your regular sleeping schedule. Others may want an older dog as a companion, jogging partner or something for protection. Your choice is all about your lifestyle and day-to-day activity levels.
2. Does it make a difference if you have children or not?
Some families want a puppy for the kids, but then they end up getting rid of them because the children aren't involved or the parents don't have the time. You really have to do your homework. Are the kids going to be involved? Are they too young? Is the dog aggressive to a child grabbing at his tail or ears?
3. When should training begin in a dog's life?
As soon as you bring it home. As soon as you bring it home, there's going to be accidents on the floor. Puppy-proof the place with puppy training pads, pens, and crates; all of these factors must be a consideration prior to getting a new dog.
4. What are some typical "bad doggy" habits?
Stealing things from counters or making new entrances and holes where they shouldn't be. We've seen dogs destroying furniture, remote controls, cell phones, glasses, and more.
5. How should we react to these behaviours?
I always use prevention because if you can't catch a dog in the act, you come home, and the dog has already damaged the home. You're trying to punish him or her, you're yelling, you're frustrated... the dog has no idea why he or she is being yelled at for something that happened a few hours ago. Prevention is key.
6. What are some commands we should all know?
We always start with the "sit," the "stay," and the "come" commands; followed by the "down" and the "heel" command to walk beside you, not pulling.
7. How long can we expect it to take for the dog to learn these commands?
In each lesson, the dog should learn something different, something new. So, when we're completing each and every lesson, the dog learns whatever exercise within the first minute or two. The rest is spent rehashing, going over it, drilling it into the dog, and for the owner to be able to capture all this. Then, it's the owner's turn to take over.
Peace of Mind & Security
When you choose JR Dog Training to help lay the foundation for your dog training in Montreal and all surrounding areas, you are working with experts that have 40+ years of experience. This experience level means that our proven principles will help you quickly and easily gain confidence in your relationship with your pet to prevent unwanted behaviours and ensure that they are responsive to your commands when the need arises.
Whether you require dog training in Montreal and all surrounding areas for daily activity, security, or theft prevention, you can trust our Master Dog Trainer to help you establish the training you require. If you lack control over your dog, see the canine professional at JR Dog Training in Montreal and all surrounding areas.
Our trainers are experts in dog obedience and problem-solving. We also specialize in personal protection. Make an appointment for your dog's pre-evaluation at JR Dog Training in Montreal and all surrounding areas by calling us at (514) 631-7478 or emailing for more information.